Master's Programme Teacher Education Physics 199 523 xxx 2 or 199 xxx 523 2

The general curriculum for the Master's Programme Teacher Education is available here (in German).

The curriculum for the Subject-Section MEd Physics (199 523 xxx 2 or 199 523 xxx 2) is available here (in German).

This curriculum does not apply to you if your second subject is at an art university. In this case, please contact the Directorate of Studies

If you have any questions about the Master's Programme Teacher Education Physics, please contact

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Hopf.



Admission to a master's degree programme is granted centrally by the admission office of the University of Vienna. You can find more information onthe admission requirements in the curriculum.

Do you have any questions regarding the admission procedure? You can find detailed information about your steps in the admission procedure on the website Studying at the University of Vienna. Please take note of the application and admission periods. Our advice: Submit your application for admission to a degree programme at the beginning of the application period.


Facts & Figures

Please click here for further information.


The graduates of the shared Master's Programme Teacher Education in the association North-East with the subject Physics show with their Master's thesis on a topic in physics or teaching methodology their ability for independent scientific work. The knowledge and abilities gained in the Master's Programme Teacher Education Physics are also a preparation for further doctoral programmes. The Master's Programme Teacher Education Physics enables the graduates to follow scientific developments in physics and related teaching methods. Further, the graduate can undertake necessary adjustments, modernisations and advancements of the teaching due to these developments.