Einladung zur Defensio von Thomas Mieling


Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024, 09:00Uhr

Seminarraum 9, OG01, Kolingasse 14-16, 1090 Wien



Gupta–Bleuler Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field in Curved Space-Times with Applications to Gravitational Photon Interferometry

To study the interplay of gravity and quantum physics, experiments are under development that aim at measuring phase shifts induced by Earth’s gravitational field in single photons or entangled pairs of photons. The thesis presented here provides a comprehensive model of such experiments by formulating a theory of quantum optics in stationary space-times. This work combines general methods of field quantization in curved space-times with explicit perturbative calculations to provide concrete predictions for future experiments on quantum optics in the presence of external gravitational fields.

Defense committee:
Domenico Giulini, Leibnitz University of Hannover, DE (reviewer)
Timothy Ralph, University of Queensland, AU (reviewer)
Piotr Chrusciel (supervisor)
Philip Walther (supervisor)
Thomas Pichler (chair)